The ultimate scheduling solution for cleaning companies

You are a Cleaning Entrepreneur. It is exhausting in time and energy. This is your perfect complement, so you can stay on top of your activities.

SIRIUS Cleaning Tools works in desktop and mobile

If you are the master of multiple applications: One for the calendar, another one for the invoice, another one for the contact information, plus I have to send emails and reminders every day.
If you ever think: how am I supposed to scale up my business? I don't have time to contact new customers and manage my existing ones.
If you spend your weekends preparing for the work week.
Then, Sirius Cleaning Tools is the right app for you. Stop everything and continue reading.


SIRIUS Cleaning Tools works in desktop and mobile

Manage Your Appointments

Keep an eye on your calendar, and future services. Send calendar appointments from the system in one click to your customers and your personal account automatically. No need to type manual emails anymore. Save time!

Send Reminders

Is it not anoying when your customers tell you - Oh! sorry I forgot our appointment, can we reschedule? - Well, no more! With Sirius Cleaning Tools you can send reminders to all your upcoming appointments. Your customers can confirm or reschedule from the email. Let them know your reschedule and cancellation policy. Less time on the phone, more time earning money!

SIRIUS Cleaning Tools works in desktop and mobile
SIRIUS Cleaning Tools Payment Link

Receive Payments with Stripe

Send a payment link directly to your customer's email. Your customer's will be able to click on it and initiate a secure Credit Card payment using Stripe. You founds will be direct deposit to your account. Stripe fees apply.

Quick buttons

Get a quick preview of today's work. With the quick buttons you can initiate WhatsApp, navigate with Waze or Google Maps, preview the location of your appointment, and quickly modify the price or other details. The color will help you to distinguish confirmed or not confirmed services.

SIRIUS Cleaning Tools works in desktop and mobile
SIRIUS Cleaning Tools works in desktop and mobile

Control Payments

You could receive cash, credit card, direct deposit or cheque. Keep the right control of your accounts receivable. Quickly identify who paid when and who owes you money. Send recurring reminders of pending balance.

Generate Invoices

Easily generate invoices from the Sirius Cleaning Tools. Just one click and download the invoice. The settings preview will guide you on your invoice configuration. No more external complicated solutions, no more manual text documents and best of all no more errors.

SIRIUS Cleaning Tools works in desktop and mobile
SIRIUS Cleaning Tools works in desktop and mobile

Manage Customers

Where do you keep your customers and buildings information? Spreadsheets? Notebook? My favourite: - I have another app for that - Keep all the contact information, address of multiple houses, price service details, and notes for each job you have on the pipeline. Use the cleaning tools as your CRM.


Automate manual and recurrent administrative work with just one click. Generate new service appointments for recurrent customers automatically. Every week, 2 weeks, month, 2 months, etc. We do it. Send all the reminders for the upcoming services every day. Send receipts for each customer after completing the services.

SIRIUS Cleaning Tools works in desktop and mobile
SIRIUS Cleaning Tools works in desktop and mobile

Fully Configurable

Add your logo, your company details, your preference on payment terms. Cleaning tools is waiting for you to make your work easier. With the time you will save you can spend more time getting more customers, managing your cleaning products, managing your team.